

Learning a whole new program, design rules, and just overall how to design can be hard enough on its own. Let alone traveling 5 hours away from home to work with new people to figure out just how to make the best book possible. The echo 2017 yearbook was Blanc Slate which meant we had a lot to learn about design wise. I took on the role of taking notes and working with advisors to figure out just how we would do as many doodles as we could dream of. This meant that I would later have to teach other designers how these doodles can be created.
Learning a whole new program, design rules, and just overall how to design can be hard enough on its own. Let alone traveling 5 hours away from home to work with new people to figure out just how to make the best book possible. The echo 2017 yearbook was Blanc Slate which meant we had a lot to learn about design wise. I took on the role of taking notes and working with advisors to figure out just how we would do as many doodles as we could dream of. This meant that I would later have to teach other designers how these doodles can be created.
2017 Callings: A Thing of Beauty - MIPA personality profile 3rd place
2017 Callings: A Thing of Beauty - MIPA personality profile 3rd place
one more thing: opening copy
theme development
one more thing: opening copy
As a designer one of the most important things I have learned is to always understand your theme. Even if you don't like it always, learn what your copy editors are trying to teach the reader. This opening took 4 months to finally complete. It went through so many designs. it doesn't even look anything like the original, and I can honestly say it was because I had no idea how to display our theme. The opening is the first thing the reader is going to look at, other than the cover. You want it to be special and really capture your school. It can be a challenge though, because you have to make it special to thing year. It's more special this year than last? One more thing is a easy theme to write about but to visual show one more thing can take a lot of planning. After 4 months, I can stay that this opening is like nothing I've ever seen. It show so many things that make Grand Blanc, Grand Blanc. However, all the new things that make it our one more thing..
mental health mini mag
In a book filled with so much color, how do you kill the mood and turn everything into black and white. That was the mini mags challenge. I mean other than trying to find students to tel their heartbreaking stories. This theme was actually developed over night. I was given the task of coming up with a mini mag idea for the 2017 yearbook. I had no idea what that even meant, but I wanted it to be black and white. Now, I just need to find a reason to make it black and white. I fell asleep and woke up to a text from my best friend who has issues with her dad. She had texted me in the middle of the night because she was thinking about him. It gave me the idea to do a mini mag on peoples stories not everyone knows. Not a lot of people know her step dad isn't her real dad. She is such a happy person and people don't realize that she has her issues too. I wanted people to realize that they are okay. I wanted people to know they aren't alone. I pitched the idea to the class. some people loved it, others didn't know how we would get people to talk about these uncomfortable things. I then set up a google form link to post on twitter to ask students about what they are going through. We got great feedback. People were willing to tell their story. I just gave a space for them to do so.