

Learning a whole new program, design rules, and just overall how to design can be hard enough on its own. Let alone traveling 5 hours away from home to work with new people to figure out just how to make the best book possible. The echo 2017 yearbook was Blanc Slate which meant we had a lot to learn about design wise. I took on the role of taking notes and working with advisors to figure out just how we would do as many doodles as we could dream of. This meant that I would later have to teach other designers how these doodles can be created.
Learning a whole new program, design rules, and just overall how to design can be hard enough on its own. Let alone traveling 5 hours away from home to work with new people to figure out just how to make the best book possible. The echo 2017 yearbook was Blanc Slate which meant we had a lot to learn about design wise. I took on the role of taking notes and working with advisors to figure out just how we would do as many doodles as we could dream of. This meant that I would later have to teach other designers how these doodles can be created.
2017 Callings: A Thing of Beauty - MIPA personality profile 3rd place
2017 Callings: A Thing of Beauty - MIPA personality profile 3rd place
one more thing: opening copy
chicago workshop 2017
Learning a whole new program, design rules, and just overall how to design can be hard enough on its own. Let alone traveling 5 hours away from home to work with new people to figure out just how to make the best book possible. The echo 2017 yearbook was Blanc Slate which meant we had a lot to learn about design wise. I took on the role of taking notes and working with advisors to figure out just how we would do as many doodles as we could dream of. This meant that I would later have to teach other designers how these doodles can be created.
chicago workshop 2018
2nd times a charm right, not always I guess. This workshop was a lot different than the first, I was now the more experianced designer who had to teach 4 other just how things worked. We had our differences, but by the end of the day I made sure that the design team could really be a team. Making sure that everyone knows their value that they bring to the team. Made sure we could learn to love to work together. A few tears might have been shed by the end of the trip, but we managed to come out with the cool bold colors we use in this years One More Thing.
club photo day 2017 & 2018
With only 3 hours to photograph 60 clubs chaos can arise. However, I have designed a job that I do that makes it fun and easy to navigate. With me running around the lunch room with a mirophone and a list of clubs I tell people where to go when to go and how to stand. I also crack jokes, market the yearbook, and work with the yearbook editors to keep each club oraganized so we know who and when a club is going.
staff t-shirts
As a first year designer, my first design task was to get the whole staff t-shirts before school started. Not only did I get the shirts for everyone on staff 2 weeks before school started but I was able to work with my advisor and the company to get everyone free shirts. Although I was able to work with no color and just a white shirt, I designed a t-shirt with our snapchat logo to help with marketing. Everyone on staff thought it was really fun, and we also gained a lot of snapchat friends.
mental health mini mag
Mental health is a hard topic to get students to talk about, it's hard to make it sound like an okay thing. I wanted a challenge, I knew that if I could lead a group we could make 5 great spreads to let students know that it is okay to not be okay all the time. I designed all 5 spreads as well came up with all 4 themes of the pages. Although when I pitched the idea to the editorial board I got a couple looks, I knew that I could make it work, and actually the Josten 2018 look book has been inspired by my mental health mini mag.
marketing: snapchat
"Hey guys, it's me Libby here!" is normally what you here when you look at the yearbook snapchat story. I use the snapchat to help market the echo yearbook. Although I am not a marketing editor, I have taken over the yearbook snapchat as one of my roles. It helps let student know what is going on with yearbook prices, as well as what yearbook is all about for future staffers.
yearbook week
yearbook week
One week out of the whole yearbook we as a team market the yearbook as much as possible. My role is to snapchat all week. Let everyone know prices are going up. Letting them know when and where to buy their yearbooks. So times I'll even interview people on the yearbook staff. During this week I put as much as I can on the story so that people remember to buy their yearbook, or at least tell their parents too.
mipa assac
A new thing added to MIPA this year was the MIPA ASSAC, which is a team of 35 students and advisors. We work together to fix problems that we have at our own schools. We facetime once a month to learn about new ideas to use in our classes. In these group facetimes I have learned new things that I have talked to other editors about and have now add into our class. I have also asked for help from the other students in the group because no yearbook is perfect.
head designer
On the echo staff being a head designer means that you have at least one year of experiance as a designer. I am now in my second year and have had to take on many resposibilties. I have 2 other co head designers, however I am the only senior. This year I designed almost all of the opening copy, as well as formed the idea for this years mini mag. All while teaching 2 others how to use indesign. I love my role on the echo staff. I love being able to teach others, as well as being looked at to do big design projects.