

Learning a whole new program, design rules, and just overall how to design can be hard enough on its own. Let alone traveling 5 hours away from home to work with new people to figure out just how to make the best book possible. The echo 2017 yearbook was Blanc Slate which meant we had a lot to learn about design wise. I took on the role of taking notes and working with advisors to figure out just how we would do as many doodles as we could dream of. This meant that I would later have to teach other designers how these doodles can be created.
Learning a whole new program, design rules, and just overall how to design can be hard enough on its own. Let alone traveling 5 hours away from home to work with new people to figure out just how to make the best book possible. The echo 2017 yearbook was Blanc Slate which meant we had a lot to learn about design wise. I took on the role of taking notes and working with advisors to figure out just how we would do as many doodles as we could dream of. This meant that I would later have to teach other designers how these doodles can be created.
2017 Callings: A Thing of Beauty - MIPA personality profile 3rd place
2017 Callings: A Thing of Beauty - MIPA personality profile 3rd place
one more thing: opening copy